My initial wondering, at the start of this class, centered on a local perception of "isms" infesting our campus: racism, classism, sexism, etc. It makes me profoundly sad to think that there may be any merit to these assertions. Further, if there is solid evidence to the contrary, then I think it is my duty to share that information... which may or may not help change the perception of a fractured school culture.
During conversation with my supervisor, what I perceived to be my "weakest" research question began to evolve when paired with this initial wondering/source of angst. In the process of going over data, conducting interviews (having conversations), digesting readings and brainstorming (stream-of-consciousness wondering/questioning) I have combined previous areas of potential research into my current action research question: "In light of local perceptions of equity problems on our campus and considering that current research has found that African American students with emotional or behavioral disabilities are most likely to be suspended (Krezmien, et al. "Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders". 2006.) -in what ways does our current use of In-School-Suspension and Off-Campus-Suspension for disciplinary referrals affect specific student sub-population's academic performance?"
So...this is the current state of my "wondering".
If you have any thoughts, please comment! Thank you. :0)
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